In-House Heat Treat

In-House Heat Treat

We have multiple heat-treating lines to ensure quick turnarounds. Our manufacturing process includes two types of heat treatment: quench and temper (Q&T), and normalizing (norm). Our team uses induction furnaces for the heat treatment of products.
End Finish

End Finish

We use advanced technology CNC machines and automated machining for precision threading on our end-finishing production lines. Our tubes exceed API standards and are fitted with Tejas Tubular couplings.
Protective Coating

Protective Coating

After our manufacturing process, the pup joints are sent to our state-of-the-art painting area. Depending on their grade, each pup joint is given a distinct color coating.
CNC Threading

CNC Threading

Our CNC machines can produce high-quality threads. By bullet-nosing, we ensure the easy use of internal plastic coating on EUE pup joints.