by tejastubular | May 15, 2023
We have multiple heat-treating lines to ensure quick turnarounds. Our manufacturing process includes two types of heat treatment: quench and temper (Q&T), and normalizing (norm). Our team uses induction furnaces for the heat treatment of products.
by tejastubular | May 15, 2023
We use advanced technology CNC machines and automated machining for precision threading on our end-finishing production lines. Our tubes exceed API standards and are fitted with Tejas Tubular couplings.
by tejastubular | May 15, 2023
After our manufacturing process, the pup joints are sent to our state-of-the-art painting area. Depending on their grade, each pup joint is given a distinct color coating.
by tejastubular | May 15, 2023
Our CNC machines can produce high-quality threads. By bullet-nosing, we ensure the easy use of internal plastic coating on EUE pup joints.
by tejastubular | May 16, 2023
Our in-house handling tool is designed specifically for gripping our couplings for maximum effectiveness.